Hightech und Blech

Understanding E=mc²

Einsteins Theorie ist aktueller denn je. Dieser Artikel erklärt sie sehr gut und was sie für uns und unsere Energieversorgung bedeutet:

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hearing William Tucker speak at a conference in Washington, DC. His explanation of E = mc² was the best I had ever heard. Even better, Tucker explained how Einstein’s equation applied to renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro. His lecture was a revelation. It showed that the limits of renewable energy have nothing to do with politics or research dollars, but rather with simple mathematics. During a later exchange of emails with Tucker, I praised his lecture and suggested he write an article that explained E = mc² and its corollary, E = mv². To my delight, he informed me that he’d already written such an essay.

Den ganzen Artikel gibt es hier: http://www.energytribune.com/articles.cfm/2469/Understanding-E-=-mc2