Hightech und Blech

iPad Pro Reviews

Seit gestern (11.11) kann man das iPad Pro bestellen. Morgen (13.11) kommt es in den Handel. Begleitend zur Markteinführung erscheinen die Reviews der Vermarktungspartner.

the verge: Too big to fail

So fundamentally, I know that the iPad Pro can’t do all of the things my MacBook Pro can do. And, as of right now, the iPad is still not quite the computing savior that Steve Jobs predicted it would be five years ago.

Walt Mossberg: The iPad Pro can’t replace your laptop totally, even for a tablet lover

John Gruber: The iPad Pro

Is it a MacBook replacement for me, personally? No. For you? Maybe. For many people? Yes.

Ben Bajarin: The Start of Something New

The iPad Pro also represents something new from a software standpoint. However, turning the iPad Pro into something new rests squarely on the shoulders of Apple’s developer community. Developers will hopefully embrace the skills they have built coding for iOS and start pushing the limits and enabling brand new, never-been-done-before experiences on top of this platform. Like all platforms, it rests in the hands of developers to use the tools given to them and to innovate.

Bonus: In Irland sprach Tim Cook über mehr Personal in Cork – 6.000 sollen in Hollyhill arbeiten, Microsoft Surface und das iPad. Surface sei weder Fisch noch Fleisch und das iPad werde schon wieder wachsen:

I believe the iPad will return to growth. [ Tim Cook, independent.ie ]

Bonus: Jonathan Ive zum iPad Pro und Apple Pencil:

Many of us in the design team have worked together for 20 plus years. We’ve always drawn in our sketchbooks, and for the first time – despite flirting with some alternatives a couple of years ago – I’m seeing people starting to use the iPad and Apple Pencil. Our personal experience has been that there are definitely affordances and opportunities now that you have a much more natural and intuitive environment to make marks, there are clearly things you can do sketching and writing on the iPad which you could never dream of doing in the analogue world. [ telegraph.co.uk ]